Learn about the template libraries used by blogs and blog libraries
Blogs and blog libraries use the template libraries provided by IBM Web Content Manager. Blog libraries use Web Resources v70 library and Blog v70 library. Blogs use the Web Resources v70 and Blog Solo v70 library. The page hierarchy provided for these components is the common one defined by the Web Content Manager template libraries.
The Web Content Manager libraries described in this topic only work with the theme customizer used in the default theme. Customization to these libraries will affect all blogs and blog libraries on the site.
Web Resources v70 library
The Web Resources v70 library provides the authoring and presentation templates for blogs and blog libraries. All blogs on the site use this single shared library. Changes to the main shared library affects all blogs.
Blog Solo v70 library
When we add a blog to a page, a copy of the Blog Solo v70 library is created using the name that you provided when adding a blog to a page. This copy of the Blog Solo v70 library is used to store posts and comments.
Blog v70 library
When we add a blog library to a page, a copy of the Blog v70 library is created using the name that you provided when adding the blog library to a page. The copy of the Blog v70 library is used to store posts and comments when new pages are added to the blog library.
Parent: Blogs