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### WAS70029.WebSphere1.response
### Usage:
###     update.sh -options "WAS70029.response" -silent

### Check if installer has sufficient file permissions 
-OPT checkFilePermissions="true"
### Path to folder contain *.pak files
-W maintenance.package="/opt/IBM/UpdateInstaller/maintenance"

### Uncomment to continue with update even if prerequisite checking fails.
#-OPT disableNonBlockingPrereqChecking="true"

# AIX Non-root User Limitation
# The AIX user account running the Update Installer program also must be able to 
# run the slibclean command; otherwise, a root user must run the slibclean command
# before the Update Installer program runs. 
# Uncomment the following option to notify the installer that a root user has run
# the slibclean command before the Update Installer program runs.
-OPT rootUserHasRunSlibcleanCommandSuccessfully="true"

### Product install location 
-W product.location="/opt/IBM/WebSphere1/AppServer"

### Do not edit these values.
-W update.type="install"