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Drag-and-drop uses Dojo code to facilitate the layout of content.

The portlet title bar serves as the drag handle. As you drag the portlet over the other portlets or empty containers on the page the preview placeholder shows how the layout would look.

The drag-and-drop feature does not support multiselection and copying resources, but it can be enabled.

  • Drag-and-drop configuration
    Configuration parameters initialized by the theme control the available sources that can be applied to a layout. These source definitions must be defined in the theme before they can be applied to a layout.
  • Create a drag-and-drop source
    We can extend the default framework for custom behaviors or we can create sources. Sources determine the behavior of drag-and-drop operations. The easiest way to create a source with customized behaviors is to extend one of the default source implementations. There are two default source implementations:
  • Apply a drag-and-drop source to the layout
    We can apply different sources to the layout containers to control the drag-and-drop experience. When the DNDController initializes, it finds the newDNDSourceCSS class on the container, and performs the mapping to the custom.DNDSource and instantiatethat object.
  • Drag-and-drop avatars
    Avatars are used to represent the item being dragged. We can customize the avatar.

Parent: Customize the theme
Modules provided with the modularized theme
Dojo drag-and-drop