Use social lists with our own custom theme
The social lists that social rendering provides work with portal pages that have the Portal 8.5 theme with a Basic Content theme profile. To use them with our own custom theme, you add the wp_social_rendering_85 theme module to the theme.
The predefined social lists require the social rendering CSS styles are loaded by the theme associated to the page with the social list. The theme loads these styles if the theme profile assigned to the current theme incorporates the wp_social_rendering_85 theme module. The Portal 8.5 theme with either full or deferred profiles fulfills this requirement.
To use social rendering with our own custom theme or a custom theme profile, add the wp_social_rendering_85 theme module to theme profile. For example, we can do so using the add-theme-modules configuration task. If the theme profile that is active on the current page does not contain the social rendering theme module, the social rendering CSS classes are missing. In this case, the markup does not look as expected.
Parent Work with lists of social objectsRelated tasks:
Customize the CSS styles of social lists
Add the social rendering theme module to a theme profile