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Configure globally how social object data is served

Among other features, social objects have different links that enable users to download related data. For example, users can use links to download a file or the profile image of the author. We can globally configure how social object data is served to the users. To do so, we use a setting in the WP Connections Integration Service resource environment provider in the WAS admin console.

Social object data can be served to the users in the following two ways:

  • Directly from IBM Connections.

  • By using the Ajax proxy of WebSphere Portal. Benefits include the possibility to serve all data to the users through IBM WebSphere Portal without direct web access from the web browser to IBM Connections.

We have two methods to specify how social object data is served:

  • We can globally configure how social object data is served by default. We configure the data serve method in the WP Connections Integration Service resource environment provider. This setting sets the default data serve method for all social lists in the portal. As a result, all the design components that do not explicitly request a specific data serve mode use this default method for serving resources. This configuration method makes the data serve method switchable for all social lists.

  • We can explicitly override the default data serve method in the individual design components. To override the default setting, we use specific attributeName values in the AttributeResource tags that we use in the design components. These values determine a specific data serve method. This way, we can specify for individual types of data by which method we want them to be served.

For example, this configuration affects the following attributes: authorImageLink, communityEntryLink, downloadLink, and entryLink. For details about which attributes are available for a specific type of social object, read Rendering profiles for social lists.

To globally configure how social object data is served by default, set the resource.serving.url.type property of the WP Connections Integration Service resource environment provider. We can then still choose between using the default method or overriding it for individual data in individual design components:

  • To use the default method for serving resource, use the attribute name without any prefix. For example, such attribute names are authorImageLink, communityEntryLink, downloadLink, and entryLink values for the attributeName. The portal then generates links that point either to IBM Connections or to the portal. This depends on the value specified for the resource.serving.url.type property.

  • To override the default method, you prefix the corresponding attributeName values in the design component with either of the following prefixes. To determine whether we can apply the prefixed version, look at the profile details:

    • raw. Use this prefix to serve resources directly through IBM Connections.

    • portal. Use this prefix to serve resources from the portal to the browser.

Example: You want to generate a file download link that always points directly to IBM Connections, independently of the resource.serving.url.type setting. In this case, you add the [AttributeResource attributeName="rawDownloadLink"] tag to the design component instead of using the tag [AttributeResource attributeName="downloadLink"]. This option keeps the data serve method switchable based on the resource.resolution.url.type setting.

Specify either of the following two values for the resource.serving.url.type property:


    Specify this value to define the authorImageLink, communityEntryLink, downloadLink, entryLink, and other link attributes contain URLs through which we can access the social objects using the Ajax proxy of the portal. In this case, their values equal the values of the corresponding portalAuthorImageLink, portalCommunityEntryLink, portalDownloadLink, and portalEntryLink attributes for the design component. Default setting.


    Specify this value to define the authorImageLink, communityEntryLink, downloadLink, entryLink and other link attributes contain URLs by which we can access the social objects directly from IBM Connections. In this case, their values equal the values of the corresponding rawAuthorImageLink, rawCommunityEntryLink, rawDownloadLink, and rawEntryLink attributes for the design component.

To globally configure the method by which social object data is served...

  1. Log in to the WAS admin console.

  2. Click Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers.

  3. Select WP ConnectionsIntegrationService.

  4. Under Additional properties, click Custom properties.

  5. Set the resource.serving.url.type property to a value of either connections or portal as required.

  6. Save the changes.

  7. Restart the portal server for the changes to take effect.

Parent Configure global settings for social rendering

Related reference:

Digital Data Connector profiles for social rendering