Enable social rendering in a virtual portal
Before using the social rendering feature in a virtual portal, deploy the new web content library and templates.
We do so by running the portal configuration task action-enable-social-rendering. Running this task deploys the Social List 1.0 library to the virtual portal and also creates the required drag and drop configurations for the social rendering view definitions in the toolbar.
When we run this task on a virtual portal, identify the virtual portal by adding one of the following parameters to the task. Each parameter requires the prefix -D.
- VirtualPortalHostName
- Virtual portal context that identifies the virtual portal. For example, vp.example.com
- VirtualPortalContext
- Virtual portal context that identifies the virtual portal. For example, vp1.
Enable social rendering in a virtual portal...
cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine
ConfigEngine.sh action-enable-social-rendering -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foo -DVirtualPortalContext=vp1
Parent Administer social listsRelated tasks:
Social Lists