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Hide libraries in Site Builder

We can prevent libraries from being shown to website creators and administrators using Site Builder on a particular server. When we hide a library, it does not display in Site Builder, either as a required library or as a library that can be chosen for storing content. Hidden libraries are also excluded from exported site template packages. The content library selection, "Use the existing portal content library (Portal Site)" is always shown to users.

Before you start, we must know the library names we want to hide.

  1. Log in as the portal administrator.

  2. Click Administration > Portal Content > Web Content Libraries.

  3. Write down the names of the libraries we want to hide, exactly as they appear.

    If a library displays multiple names, it has been renamed and use the original internal name shown in brackets.

To hide a library, change the Site Builder portlet preference for SiteTemplateLibBlackList. When we install Site Builder, the preference is set to hide the Portal Site library and the Content Template Catalog libraries so they cannot be overwritten accidentally if a site template is exported.

Update the blacklist replaces the existing one. Libraries are not added to an existing blacklist. Each time you update the blacklist, include all the libraries we want to hide, including libraries previously listed in the black list.

The Site Builder Template Library is always hidden in Site Builder regardless of the preference setting.

  1. Logged in as the portal administrator, click Administration.

  2. In the navigation tree, click Portlet Management > Portlets.

  3. Navigate to the Site Builder portlet. The unique name is wp.ctc.nswiz.app.Site Builder.

  4. Click the Configure portlet icon.

  5. Navigate to the SiteTemplateLibBlackList preference and click the Edit value icon.

  6. Enter or add to the list of libraries we want to hide. Separate each entry with a hash (#) sign. Use the exact spelling of the original IBM Web Content Manager, but the list is not case sensitive. For example, this list excludes the Blog Solo Template v70 and Web Content Templates libraries, as well as the CTC libraries.

    Blog Solo Template v70#Web Content Templates#CTC Content#CTC Demo#CTC Design#CTC Process

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click OK.

Parent Work with libraries in Site Builder