Replace the WAS administrator user ID
If we change the security configuration, we might need to replace the old IBM WebSphere Application Server administrator user ID with a new WebSphere Application Server administrator user ID.
Replace the WAS administrator user ID:
- Create a user in the Manage Users and Groups portlet to replace the current WebSphere Application Server administrative user.
- Replace the old WebSphere Application Server administrative user with the new user:
./ wp-change-was-admin-user -DWasPassword=foo -DnewAdminId=newadminid -DnewAdminPw=newpassword from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine
See the newAdminId property in
Additional parameter for stopped servers: This task verifies the user against a running server instance. If the server is stopped, add the -Dskip.ldap.validation=true parameter to the task to skip the validation.
- Verify the task completed successfully. Stop and restart all required servers.
What to do next
If we use an external security manager such as Security Access Manager, manually remove the old administrator user ID from the external security manager.
Parent Update user ID and passwords