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Update the group membership configuration

The initial federated repositories setup might not include the advanced set up for the group membership attribute. We configure the group membership attribute after the initial setup. Specify the properties in wkplc.properties and then run wp-create-ldap-groupconfig.

In a stand-alone server environment, complete the following task when the servers are either stopped or started. In a clustered environment, start the deployment manager and node agent. Then, verify they are able to synchronize.

  1. cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties

  2. Edit wkplc.properties

  3. Update the following parameters in wkplc.properties under the VMM LDAP group member config heading:

    • gc.ldap.id
    • gc.name
    • gc.updateGroupMembership
    • gc.scope

  4. Update the group membership for the LDAP user registry:

    • cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.
      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-create-ldap-groupconfig -DWasPassword=foo

  5. Stop and restart the appropriate servers to propagate the changes.

Parent Advanced group configurations