Transition endpoints
Resources that can be part of a screen flow are referred to as transition endpoints, as they always mark an endpoint, that is, the source or target of a transition. Such resources can be pages and portlets. Portlets can also wrap widgets or forms. Resources are referenced using their unique name. See code sample 7.
Code sample 7:
01 <dialog name="dialog1"> 02 <transition-endpoint name="portlet1"> 03 <localedata locale="en"> 04 <title>Subdialog 1</title> 05 <description>This is a subdialog</description> 06 </localedata> 07 <resource uniquename="uniquename.portlet1"/> 08 <invocation type="static"/> 09 ... 10 </transition-endpoint>
- Titles and Descriptions
Often, a single resource is used across different dialogs. For example, such a resource can be a generic date selection portlet. In a travel booking dialog, such a portlet can be used to select the departure date during one step and the return date during another step.
Parent Screen Flow Definitions