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Parallel processing, suspending and resuming of dialog instances

The capabilities of the UX Screen Flow Manager to run dialogs in parallel are limited: In a single browser tab, only a single dialog instance can be processed at one point in time. Alternatively, we can process multiple dialog instances in parallel using a separate browser tab for each dialog instance.

In addition, the Screen Flow Manager supports semi-parallel processing of multiple dialog instances by providing functions for suspending and resuming instances. As mentioned earlier, we can access suspended screen flows using the dialog stack. This way, we can also resume a screen flow that was previously suspended.

Starting a new screen flow while another one is still running implicitly suspends the running screen flow.

When we suspend a dialog instance, the state of all portlets that participate in the dialog instance is saved. This action includes all render parameters. When the dialog is resumed, the state is restored. For shared render parameters, only those parameters are saved supported by the participating portlets, according to their definition.

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