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Other special transitions

UX Screen Flow Manager supports several more special transitions, or more precisely, transition endpoints.

After a dialog ends, the user needs to be redirected to a page. The following options are available:

  1. If the target of an end transition points to the special transition endpoint DEFAULT_RETURN, the screen flow manager redirects the user. The user is redirected to the resource referenced by the unique name specified for the configuration option com.ibm.wps.pcm.dialog.default.return.uniquename. For more details, read the information under Configuration Options. The event associated with this target is transmitted to the referenced resource. For an example, see code sample 19.

  2. If the target of an end transition points to the special transition endpoint PAGE_ORIGIN, the screen flow manager redirects the user to the page from which the dialog is triggered.

    The event associated with this target is transmitted to all portlets on that page. This transmission is also called broadcasting. For an example, see code sample 20.

  3. If the target of an end transition points to the special transition endpoint PORTLET_ORIGIN, the screen flow manager redirects the user. The user is redirected to the page containing the portlet from which the dialog is triggered.

    The event associated with this target is transmitted to that specific portlet. For an example, see code sample 21.

Code sample 19:

01 <transition type="end">
 02      <source>
 03          <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet1">
 04              <event qname="e1"/>
 05          </transition-endpoint>
 06      </source>
 07      <target>
 08          <transition-endpoint nameref="DEFAULT_RETURN">
 09              <event qname="e2"/>
 10          </transition-endpoint>
 11      </target>
 12  </transition>

Code sample 20:

01  <transition type="end">
 02      <source>
 03          <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet1">
 04              <event qname="e1"/>
 05          </transition-endpoint>
 06      </source>
 07      <target>
 08          <transition-endpoint nameref="PAGE_ORIGIN">
 09              <event qname="e2"/>
 10          </transition-endpoint>
 11      </target>
 12  </transition>

Code sample 21:

01  <transition type="end">
 02      <source>
 03          <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet1">
 04              <event qname="e1"/>
 05          </transition-endpoint>
 06      </source>
 07      <target>
 08          <transition-endpoint nameref="PORTLET_ORIGIN">
 09              <event qname="e2"/>
 10          </transition-endpoint>
 11      </target>
 12  </transition>

Another special transition is available for standard transitions that are not end transitions. In this context, dialog modelers sometimes want to define a dialog as follows: After a specific source portlet emitted a specific event, the screen flow manager returns the user to the resource or portlet. This resource or portlet is that which redirected the user to the resource that emitted the event. Therefore, we can reference the special transition endpoint named CALLER.

Code sample 22 shows an example. The first transition is triggered after portlet1 emits event e1. Event e1 causes the user to be redirected to portlet2. Then, after portlet2 emits event e2-2, the screen flow manager redirects the user back to portlet1, which previously called portlet2.

Code sample 22:

01  <transition>
 02      <source>
 03          <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet1">
 04              <event qname="e1"/>
 05          </transition-endpoint>
 06      </source>
 07      <target>
 08          <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet2">
 09              <event qname="e2-1"/>
 10          </transition-endpoint>
 11      </target>
 12  </transition>
 13  <transition>
 14      <source>
 15          <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet2">
 16              <event qname="e2-2"/>
 17          </transition-endpoint>
 18      </source>
 19      <target>
 20          <transition-endpoint nameref="CALLER">
 21              <event qname="e3"/>
 22          </transition-endpoint>
 23      </target>
 24  </transition>

Parent Transitions

Related concepts:

Configuration options