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With the Screen Flow Manager, different teams or even third-party vendors can develop different types of user interface (UI) artifacts. These artifacts are usually portlets, but can also be widgets or forms. For more details, read the information about iWidgets Development in the IBM Rational Application Developer documentation and the information about Forms Development in the IBM Forms Experience Builder documentation.

A business user with limited development skills defines a dialog or screen flow. The user puts together the correct set of UI artifacts and creates the declarative model describing the specific dialog. This model is referred to as the dialog definition (DD). It contains all information about the subdialogs that participate and the transitions that route the user from one subdialog to another. As of now, the dialog model is described in XML. For more information, read Screen flow definitions. In the future, a graphical screen flow modeler might make the creation of such a model easier.

Parent IBM UX Screen Flow Manager

Related concepts:

Screen Flow Definitions