Insert dynamic table html/jsp code
Use Rational Application Developer to code the dynamic table in the Personalized Offers portlet JSP. Export the project as a web archive (WAR) file. Open the WebSphere Portal Administration page for Portlet Management and update the web module containing the Personalized Offers portlet.
Before you begin this procedure, ensure created a content spot.
- Open Rational Application Developer and open Pers_OffersPortalView.jsp in edit mode.
- Insert the following code at the end of the JSP page:
<HR> Here are all the personalized offers: <br> <% try { pers_offers.Pzn_offers[] items = offersSpot.getRuleContent(); pers_offers.Pzn_offers item = items[0]; // throws an exception if empty. %> <TABLE WIDTH="100%"> <TBODY> <% for (int i = 0, c = 0; ; ) { if (c == 0) { %> <TR bgcolor="e7e7e7"><% } else { %> <TR><% } %> <TD><%= item.getTitle() %>: <%= item.getDetails() %> </TD> </TR><% c = c == 0 ? 1 : 0; i++; try { item = items[i]; } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException _e0) { break; } } %> </TBODY> </TABLE><% } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException _e0) { %><FONT>There are no current articles to display. </FONT><% } %>
- Save and close the file. Verify no errors other than exception handling errors.
- Export the project as a war file. Close Rational Application Developer.
- Log in to WebSphere Portal as wpsadmin. Click the Administration menu icon. Then, click Portlet Management > Web Modules.
- Click the Update button to update the web module.
- Complete the installation process using the newly created war file.
What to do next
We can now modify the resource collection properties for Pzn_Offers_User.
Parent topic: Develop a personalized portletPrevious topic: Enhance the Personalized Portlet
Next topic: Modify resource collection properties