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Oracle: Disabling the auto space advisor background task

To prevent deadlocks during migration, complete a task to disable the Oracle background task called "Auto Space Advisor" before the run the upgrade-profile task during migration using the Configuration Wizard. After completing migration, we can enable "Auto Space Advisor" as a post-migration task. We can check if the "Auto Space Advisor" task is enabled or disabled by entering the following command from SQL Plus:

    SQL> select status from dba_autotask_client where client_name = 'auto space advisor';

Enter the following SQL:

  client_name => 'auto space advisor',   operation  => NULL,   window_name => NULL);

If we do not turn off the "Auto Space Advisor," it is possible for the migration to fail with the following Oracle error: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource.

What to do next

When we complete migrating the data using the Configuration Wizard, complete the post-migration step to enable the "Auto Space Advisor" Oracle background task.

Parent Database considerations

Related tasks:

Oracle: Enable the auto space advisor background task