Perform a manual in-place migration
If we proceed with this method of migration for IBM WebSphere Portal V8.0.0.1 on WebSphere Application Server v8.5.5.2, we cannot use the WebSphere remote migration tool because the WebSphere version of the source and target environments are the same. This migration is an in-place migration, and the source environment will no longer be available after the migration is complete.
If we are performing an in-place update of a stand-alone server, complete steps 1 - 10. Then, continue with the upgradeConfigEngine step of the Migrate a Stand-alone Server option in the Configuration Wizard as it is detailed in steps 11 - 16.
If we are performing an in-place update of a cluster, the deployment manager should already have the WAS V8.5.5.2 installed. Therefore, we do not need to complete the Migrate a Cluster Step 1: Migrate the dmgr Profile option in the Configuration Wizard. We can also skip Migrate a Cluster Step 2: Migrate Node Profiles option, but complete the following steps 1 - 9 on all nodes. Then, complete Migrate a Cluster Step 3: Upgrade Node Profiles on all nodes as detailed in steps 11 - 16.
- Back up the databases.
- Clear out the temp and wstemp paths in WP_PROFILE. If we do not complete this step, it can create long path names that prevent the restoreProfile task from working successfully.
- Back up the WP_PROFILE using manageprofiles -backupProfile from AppServer/bin. For example: ./ -backupProfile -profileName wp_profile -backupFile /tmp/wp_profile_bak.
- Uninstall WebSphere Portal Version 8 using the Installation Manager. Do not uninstall WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5.
- Delete the following files from the WAS AppServer path:
- lib/ext/commons-codec-1.3.jar
- lib/ext/commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
- lib/ext/openid4java-full-0.9.5.jar
- lib/ext/wp.auth.base.sua_RedirectServletFilter.jar
- lib/ext/wp.auth.base.sua_loginmodule.jar
- lib/ext/wp.auth.tai.jar
- lib/wp.user.connections.jar
- lib/wp.wire.jar
- plugins/
- plugins/
- plugins/wp.ext.jar
- properties/
- Verify the wp_profile and cw_profile are cleaned up and the paths are deleted.
- Install only the Portal 8.5 binary. Do not create a Portal profile.
- Test connecting to the Configuration Wizard in a browser. http://your_server:10200/ibm/wizard
- Restore the WP_PROFILE using manageprofiles restoreConfig from AppServer/bin. For example, ./ -restoreProfile -backupFile /tmp/wp_profile_bak.
The WP_PROFILE is restored to the original path.
- If we are migrating a cluster, copy the in the PortalServerRoot/filesForDmgr path on the target primary node server to the existing WebSphere Application Server deployment manager. Then, extract the files in the AppServer path.
This task is essential to update the deployment manager to user the portal 8.5 plug-ins. Complete this step once. Do not repeat this step on all nodes.
Complete the remaining steps for using the Configuration Wizard:
- Access the Configuration Wizard. http://your_server:10200/ibm/wizard.
- Click Update or Maintain a Current Environment - Migration > Migrate a Stand-alone Server or Update or Maintain a Current Environment - Migration > Migrate a Cluster Step 3: Upgrade Node Profiles.
- Select Same server when we answer questions about the system.
- Enter the properties with the correct values.
- Mark all steps complete before Upgrade the ConfigEngine.
- Start the configuration with the Upgrade the ConfigEngine step.
Parent Migrate from Portal on WebSphere Application Server concepts:
Configuration Wizard