Configure JCR search in a portal farm
JCR-based content includes content created with Web Content Manager or Personalization.
If we create content in a portal farm with the Authoring portlet, extra configuration steps are required. The steps enable content created by these content features to be searchable in a farm.
- Log in to WAS console.
In a clustered environment, log in to the dmgr console.
- Go to...
Resources | Resource Environment | Resource Environment Providers | JCR ConfigService PortalContent | Custom properties
...and set...
jcr.textsearch.enabled = false
- Set the value of the jcr.textsearch.indexdirectory property to the index directory on the remote search server.
Specify the directory value in Universal Naming Convention (UNC) format...
- Based on the configuration of the remote search service, change the jcr.textsearch.PSE.type property to either EJB or SOAP; then choose the appropriate extra steps:
Value Extra steps EJB Change the jcr.textsearch.EJB.IIOP.URL property to the URL of the naming service used to access the WebScanner EJB; for example... iiop://localhost:2811
Change the jcr.textsearch.EJB.EJBName property to the name of the WebScanner EJB; for example...
SOAP Change the jcr.textsearch.SOAP.url property to the SOAP URL of the WebScanner for the search service.
- Save the changes.
- Restart the server.
- Required: Delete the default search collections from the Manage Search portlet:
Administration | Search Administration | Manage Search | Search Collections | Delete Collection | OK
- Restart the WebSphere_Portal server.
- Go to the Manage Search portlet and confirm the Portal Content search collection was deleted.
- Manually create a JCR collection called JCRCollection1; refer to Setting up JCR Search Collection for information.