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Work with feeds

After setting up the feed configurations and feed jobs we can perform various tasks to manage the feeds.

  • To work with individual feed configurations, go to...

      Administration | Portal Content | Feed Configurations

    1. To create a new feed configuration, click New.

    2. To manually consume a feed, select a feed configuration and click Consume.

    3. To delete a feed configuration, select a feed configuration and click Delete.

  • To work with a feed job, go to...

      Administration | Portal Content | Feed Jobs

    1. To create a new feed job, click New.

    2. To stop feed jobs, select the feed jobs to stop and click Stop Job. This will also reset any feed jobs that may have stopped running correctly.

    3. To immediately start a job regardless of when the next scheduled job start is, select the feed jobs to start and click Start Job.

    4. To suspend job schedules, select the feed jobs to suspend and click Schedule > Suspend.

    5. To resume suspended job schedules, select the feed jobs to resume and click Schedule > Resume.

    6. To delete feed jobs, select the feed jobs to delete and click Delete.

Parent Web content feed management