Configure an IBM Business Process Manager task provider instance
This task provider retrieves tasks from IBM Business Process Manager and surfaces them in the Unified Task List portlet.
- Log in to WebSphere Portal as the administrator.
- Go to Applications > Collaboration > Unified Task List.
- Configure single sign-on with LTPA tokens between the WebSphere Portal and IBM Business Process Manager servers before you begin this task.
- Open the page with the Unified Task List portlet on it.
- Select Configure from the portlet menu.
- On the Configure page, select the Task Provider Instances link from the menu.
- Select Add.
- Select IBM Business Process Manager Standard.
- Enter a name for the new provider and select enable.
- Select Next.
- Modify the Hostname and Port fields to include the host and port number for the IBM Business Process Manager installation.
- Enter one of the following values in the Filter Criteria field:
- (STATE=8) where 8 corresponds to tasks with a claimed state.
- (STATE=2) where 2 corresponds to tasks in a release state.
- (STATUS=Received) where Received corresponds to tasks available to the current user.
- Update the value in the Max results field if to change the number of tasks that can be returned from the IBM Business Process Manager installation.
- Select Save.
- Select Save and Back.
What to do next
The next step is to configure the Coach portlets included with the Unified Task List portlet.