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Edit a Producer definition

Update the information for a Producer in the portal, click Edit for that Producer in the list of Producer definitions. The Web Service Configuration portlet displays a panel similar to the Create Producer panel with the information entered before. Modify the information in the fields as required.

We can modify the values for the following fields for the Producer:

  • Title

  • Description

  • URL to WSDL service definitions.

We can also select the following extra options:

  • I want to specify the user attributes that should be passed to this Producer. Use this option to modify the user attributes to be passed to the Producer.

  • I want to set the port settings for this Producer. Use this option to modify the specific setting for the Producer ports. We can specify the endpoint address URLs of a port and select the transport protocol. We can also select the token type for Web Services Security for a port from the list of service references and token types. We can select either of the token types and service references for each token type from this list:

    • If we select a token type, the WSRP Consumer uses the default WSRP service reference for this port. Additionally, it generates tokens of the specified type.

    • If a custom service reference is available and we select it, the WSRP Consumer uses this service reference. Does not generate tokens for Web Services Security.

    • If we do not select anything from this list, the WSRP Consumer uses the default WSRP service reference. Does not generate extra tokens for Web Services Security.

  • I want to set titles and descriptions for other languages. Set language-specific titles and descriptions for a Producer.

  • I want to enter registration properties for this Producer. This option is available only if the Producer supports registration properties. Set registration properties for the Producer.

Parent Configure the portal for Web services