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Create our own theme

The best way to start creating our own custom theme is by copying the portal WebSphere Portal theme. This ensures the theme has all the required elements for the theme to function.

Do not modify the standard IBM WebSphere Portal theme directly, because future fix packs and service changes can overwrite the changes. To create a new theme...

  1. Mount the /themelist WebDAV entry point with the WebDAV client:


  2. Copy and rename the folder of the theme on which to base the new theme.

    The /themelist WebDAV entry point does not support the copy action directly. If we encounter an error when copying and pasting theme folders within /themelist, do the following:

    1. Copy the theme folder to the local file system.

    2. Give the theme a new title by editing the appropriate localized_locale.properties file under the metadata folder. If we do not change the theme title, the portal will show multiple themes with the same titles in selection lists.

    3. Copy the new folder to the /themelist folder.

    After completing these steps, the new theme is defined in the portal database. If we do not see the new theme in the Themes and Skins or Page Properties portal administration portlets, edit a theme that you find listed, then press OK without making any updates. This refreshes the theme model list; your new theme should now show. As an alternative, we can also restart the portal.


We can now assign the theme to pages as required. To customize your theme, edit the theme files in WebDAV.

To perform administrative customization, for example to the title, description, or metadata of the theme, continue to use the /themelist/ entry point. To customize the templates and static resources, use the /fs-type1/ entry point. At this point the theme still points to the same Default.jsp and dynamic content spots as the portal WebSphere Portal theme.

If we have problems using the /themelist/ entry point, try /themelist/all , as some WebDAV clients have issues listening without the all .

Parent Manage themes and skins