Work with feed subscriptions
We can add, rename, delete, and view details of the feed subscriptions in the IBM Syndicated Feed Portlet. Additionally, we can move the feeds either within the same or to another feed category.
- Add a feed subscription
Subscribing to a web feed enables us to view the contents of the feed.
- Display or enabling the feeds
After we have added feeds to IBM Syndicated Feed Portlet, we need to enable these feeds so their articles are displayed in the view mode.
- Reordering a feed subscription within a category
Within a feed category, we can shuffle the feeds.
- Move a feed subscription from one category to another
We can move a feed subscription from one feed category to another.
- Delete a feed subscription
Delete a feed subscription when you no longer require it.
- Rename a feed subscription
We can give a more intuitive name to the feed subscription.
- View the feed subscription settings
We can view information related to the feed, such as the feed description, feed URL, and web address of the feed page.
- Set Private and Shared Credentials
We can set either private or shared credentials for accessing password-protected feeds. Shared credentials enable all the users of IBM Syndicated Feed Portlet to view the feed without having to enter any credentials. Private credentials enable an individual user to view content from password protected feeds by configuring user ID and password.
- Use the toolbar
By enabling the toolbar, we can perform all the operations related to feeds and feed categories without leaving the view mode. Thus, you don't need to go to the Personalize, Edit Shared Settings, or the Configure mode to add, select, rename, reorder, re-categorize, and delete the feeds.
- Use the channel bar
The channel bar displays the name of the feed category and the name of the feed subscription separated by a forward slash (/).
Parent Work with feedsRelated tasks:
Lock permissions related to subscriptions