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Set up a cluster

We created a stand-alone, demonstration environment with Installation Manager. Now we are ready to set up a production ready, clustered environment. To begin, use the Database Transfer option to transfer the database from the default database, Apache Derby, to a more robust database. Then, we can create the deployment manager profile, create a static or dynamic cluster, change from the built-in file-based repository to a federated repository, and add more nodes as needed.

Cluster Topology

The benefits of a horizontal cluster are:

  • Workload management. Distributes traffic across multiple servers. If one server goes down, traffic is routed to another node in the cluster. A node typically represents a single physical server in a managed cell.

  • Improved security. We can place the web server outside the firewall to direct traffic to the cluster.

  • Balanced traffic. The web server plug-in balanced user traffic across all members of the cluster.

  • Identical behavior. Shared configuration across the portal instances, including database, applications, and portlets, and site design.

  • Simplified administration. Synchronizes changes across the cluster, such as updates, stopping and starting the servers, session data, cache data, and more.

Use a cluster topology for the environment if we are a:

Company or organization that requires failover, centrally managed servers, and workload management.

We can create other types of clusters. For example, to create vertical or multiple clusters, use the roadmaps in the product documentation for instructions on the cluster to create.

Related concepts:

Configuration Wizard