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Manage static content in themes using DXSync

IBM Digital Experience File Sync (DSync) is an alternative to using a WebDAV client. DXSync synchronizes static theme resources with the local development environment so that we can modify them with your favorite editor. DXSync synchronizes any WebDAV-based WebSphere Portal themes with your local workstation. DXSync watches file system changes in the background. It pulls the theme files to your workstation and uploads any changes you make. DXSync runs on Windows, OSX, and Linux environments. It supports full two-way synchronization and recognizes merge conflicts. DSync runs on Windows, OSX, and Linux, and can be used with WebSphere Portal V8.5, but it is not formally supported currently.

Install DXSync on a workstation

  1. Install the Node.js source code for your operating system from the nodejs.org web site. For Windows or Macintosh, go to: nodejs.org/download/docs/v0.12.7/download/

    For Linux, find the appropriate installation script on the GitHub website:


  2. Download IBM Digital Experience File Sync

  3. Extract the compressed file.

  4. Change to the extracted directory.

Initializing DXSync

To initialize IBM Digital Experience File Sync...

  1. Create a local directory, for example, /ITSO simple theme.

  2. In the command line, change to your new directory, for example:

      C:\>cd itso simple theme

  3. Initialize a theme with your new directory:

      C:\ITSOPortal 8.5theme>dxsync init

  4. Respond to the following prompts to connect to your server.

      Hostname: itso-wp2.ibmcollabcloud.com
      Username: (wpsadmin) virtuser
      Path to the content handler servlet: (/wps/mycontenthandler)
      Secure Connection (https)?: (true) false
      Port: (10039)

  5. DXSync connects to the WebSphere Portal Server and retrieves the themes found. Enter the number that corresponds to the theme that we want to synchronize.

      Connecting to the remote server...
      Fetching themes from
      The following themes were found. Please select which one we would like to connect to:
      1. ITSO Portal 8.5 theme
      2. ITSO simple theme
      3. Portal8.5
      4. Simple
      5. ThemeDevSite
      6. Toolbar8.5
      7. angularBootstrap
      8. greenwell-bank
      9. greenwell-responsive-V1_2
      10. greenwellsmartercommerce
      11. ibmOGSThemeV1
      12. stratusprompt: Enter a number between 1 and 11: 2

  6. DXSync returns the following messages:

      Successfully setup theme synchronization.
      You are ready to execute the synchronization with the 'run' command.

  7. Run the following command:

      C:\ITSO simple theme>dxsync run

    The dxsync run command initiates a two-way synchronization between your workstation and your server. IBM Digital Experience File Sync watches your files in the background and restarts a full synchronization at intervals of time that you configure.

  8. File synchronization takes place, as shown in Example A-3.
    IBM Digital Experience File Sync v1.0.1
     URL: http://itso-wp2.ibmcollabcloud.com:10039/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/fs-type1/themes/ITSO
    simple theme
     username: virtuser
     password: ********
     secure: false
     syncIntervalMin: 5
     threads: 10
     filterRegex: ^\.|~$|.bak$|.resolve$|.delete$|.conflict$
    Started 2-way synchronization... Phase 1...
    File download complete: readme.txt
    File download complete: preview.gif
    File download complete: theme.html
    File download complete: bootstrap/readme.txt
    .... truncated .....
    File download complete: modules/st_svg/config/retrieveSprite.js.uncompressed.js.
    Phase 2...
    Synchronization complete.
    Synchronization Report:
    Total : 164
    Uploaded : 0
    Downloaded : 164
    Deleted : 0 / 0 (Local/Remote)
    Conflicts : 0 / 0 (Resolved)
    No Action : 0
    Errors : 0
    Due to platform limitations on Windows (Open file handle handling) deleting of directories is
    not supported while watching files. In order to delete a folder while watching use another
    operating system such as OSX or Linux. On Windows, please stop watching, delete the folder and
    then restart the process.
    Watching files in 'C:/ITSO simple theme' for changes...
    Starting next synchronization in 5 minutes...

  9. The theme on your workstation is now connected to the WebSphere Portal Server and you are ready to synchronize your theme files.

    We can edit your files locally and they are synchronized periodically with the WebSphere Portal Server.

