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Enable uncompressed CSS files

Compressing CSS files makes the files harder to read, so uncompressed versions are usually provided. Use uncompressed versions when editing and debugging the theme CSS.

  1. Connect to the fs-type1 entry point in WebDAV, http://<server>:<portal>/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/fs-type1/.

  2. Navigate to the theme css folder, /dav:fs-type1/themes/<custom theme>/css.

  3. Rename the compressed layer named master.css located in the css folder to master.css.compressed.css.

  4. Rename the uncompressed file master.css.uncompressed.css located in the css folder to master.css.

  5. Open the theme template, by default it is localized and located in the dav:fs-type1/themes/<custom theme>/nls folder.

  6. Locate this line that includes the head modules:
    <link rel="dynamic-content" href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal85/co:head">
    and change it to:
    <link rel="dynamic-content" href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal85/co:head?optimized=false">

  7. Clear the browser cache and refresh the page. The uncompressed styles are now enabled.

Parent Default theme CSS files