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Handling portlet preferences on the client

One of the most useful aspects of the client side programming model is the ability to read, modify, and save portlet preferences on the client.
The interface ibm.portal.portlet.PortletPreferences JavaScript mirrors its server side counterpart javax.portlet.PortletPreferences as closely as possible. For the full description of the JavaScript interfaces refer to the public API documentation.

The following code sample shows how we can retrieve and read the portlet preferences on the client:

    function <%=namespace%>_handleLoadPortletPreferences(portletWindow, status, portletPrefs)  {          if (status==ibm.portal.portlet.PortletWindow.STATUS_OK)          {
            portletWindow.setAttribute("preferences", portletPrefs);
            var prefs = portletPrefs.getMap();
            var mapStr = "Preferences.getMap()\number of preferences: "+prefs.length + "\n";
            for (var i=0; i<prefs.length; i++)              {
  mapStr += i+" - "+prefs[i].name+" - "+prefs[i].values+" - "+prefs[i].readonly + "\n";
        else { alert("error loading feed"); }
    <%=namespace%>_portletWindow = new ibm.portal.portlet.PortletWindow("<%=portletWindowID%>");
For the full description of the JavaScript interfaces refer to the public API documentation.

Parent The client side portlet programming model

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