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XML format for outbound HTTP connection configuration settings

To export or import the outbound HTTP Connections configuration, we use an XML file with a specific schema.

Example of a proxy-config.xml file

The following example is a sample outbound HTTP connection configuration script. It shows the schema for XML scripts used to export or import the outbound HTTP Connections configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<proxy-rules xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"      

        <dynamic-policy name="default_policy">

    <mapping contextpath="/proxy" url="*" name="proxy"/>

    <mapping contextpath="/myproxy" url="*" name="myproxy">
        <policy url="http://www.test-server.com/*" name="ibm1">

           <cookie-rule name="my.application.cookie">

    <policy url="{$default_policy}" name="default">




Parent Configure outbound HTTP connections