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Establishing a digest authenticated HTTP connection

To establish an HTTP connection with digest authentication, we enable an outbound connection policy for HTTP digest authentication.

The settings in the following example code snippet enable an outbound connection policy for HTTP digest authentication. The example assumes the connection http://the_remote_server.com/digest-auth-protected/ is a remote site that is protected by digest authentication.

<policy url="http://the_remote_server.com/basic-auth-protected/*"       digest-auth-support="true">

  • The policy attribute basic-auth-support enables the authentication filter.

  • The value of the metadata parameter hpaa.authtype specifies the authentication type as HTTP digest authentication.

  • The value of hpaa.slotid specifies the slot ID of the credential vault. For instructions about how to provide the user credentials of the remote connection, read Provide user credentials for authenticated connections.

  • The metadata setting forward-credentials-from-vault specifies the credentials of the digest authentication are gathered from the Credential Vault.

  • Use the parameter hpaa.piid to specify the portlet instance ID for which the credential slot is defined. Optional.

Parent Authenticating outbound HTTP connections