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Enable module tracing

Enable tracing to debug the module information to improve performance. We can enable a trace string so that debugging is enabled for all users. Or we can set a specific cookie so that debugging is only enabled for that user's cookie.

  1. Enable tracing through trace string.

    1. To debug a module or theme, enable portal tracing with the following trace string.

      This string loads the modules using separate links and script tags, isolating each one independently. If the module definition defines a debug version, it also loads debug versions of each contribution. Typically, the debug version is an uncompressed version of the <script> tag containing the same data as the normal version.

      Both using separate links and using uncompressed <script> tags makes it easier to debug a running WebSphere Portal environment from the browser.

  2. Enable tracing with cookies.

    1. Open WAS console and select...

        Resources | Resource Environment | Resource Environment Providers | WP ConfigService | custom properties

    2. Change the resourceaggregation.client.debug.mode.allowed entry to true.

    3. Save the changes.

    4. Restart the WebSphere Portal server.


If defined and modules are loaded using separate links and script tags, when a user sets a cookie named...

    com.ibm.portal.resourceaggregator.client.debug.mode = true

...debug versions of module contributions are loaded.

Parent Logging and tracing client side rendering