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Physical media

WebSphere Portal is available on DVD. Installing from physical media is practical when installing on a limited number of servers.

    This option has the following benefits and is best if performing a limited number of installations:

    • No prerequisite steps required before installation

    • Provide a seamless way to install Installation Manager if it is not currently installed

    • Provide an installation path if a file server is not available or is slower than the DVD


    • Install from the DVD on IBM i is not supported

    • Silently installing from the DVD is not supported

    Linux note: For security reasons, some Linux versions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, prevent programs from running from automounted DVDs. Thus, not allowing to run the installer from the DVD. To fix this issue, add the /dev/hdc /media/ auto pamconsole,fscontext=system_u:object_r:removable_t,exec,noauto,managed 0 0 line to the end of the /etc/fstab file to update file system table.

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