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New features for site developers in Content Template Catalog 4.3

Enhancements in Content Template Catalog 4.3 makes customization of the templates faster and simpler. Much of the custom code in Content Template Catalog has been removed, and Content Template Catalog instead exploits the new features in WebSphere Portal 8.5 CF3 or higher.

The Content Template Catalog rendering plug-ins are now included in Web Content Manager

All the custom Content Template Catalog rendering plug-ins have been removed and replaced with rendering plug-ins that are included in Web Content Manager 8.5 CF3 or higher.

  • The "IfEqual" plug-in is replaced by the "Equals" plug-in.

  • The "IfNotEqual" plug-in is replaced by the "NotEquals" plug-in.

  • The "Encode" plug-in is replaced by the "URLEncode" plug-in.

  • The "IfInRange" plug-in is replaced by the "IfListIndex" plug-in.

  • The "translate" plug-in is replaced by the "TextProvider" plug-in.

For more information: Creating a plug-in tag

As part of the upgrade to Content Template Catalog 4.3, all usages of the Content Template Catalog custom rendering plug-ins are replaced with the Web Content Manager rendering plug-ins. This is done using the tag usage module. For more information: Managing plug-in tag usage.

The Content Template Catalog rendering inline edit styles are now included in Web Content Manager

The Content Template Catalog previously contained "contentEditable" CSS styles that defined how inline edit was styled. These styles are included in Web Content Manager 8.5, and so have been removed from Content Template Catalog 4.3. For more information: Create an editable element tag

The render component in context pattern is implemented using tags

The Content Template Catalog makes extensive use of the Render component in context and Context override patterns. These patterns are now implemented using the InContext tag, which is new in WebSphere Portal 8.5 CF3. For more information see The role of the In Context tag in presentation templates.

The sections navigator is implemented using tags

The sections page template contains a navigation menu. In previous releases this was created using the custom JSPs RenderNextListResult.jsp and RenderNestedListCleanup.jsp. In Content Template Catalog 4.3. this is implemented using a Web Content Manager navigation component. See Navigation List Design for Section Index in the CTC Design library.

Content Template Catalog Components are now referred to as Page Components

The site area that stores the page component configuration content has been renamed from "Components" to "Page Components". This has been changed to avoid confusion with Web Content Manager components. Examples of page components are slideshows, carousels, teasers and block. For more information see Page component configuration items.

New Getting Started Guide for site developers

The documentation to help site developers get started with CTC has been consolidated into the new Get started with CTC for site developers section.

Parent Content Template Catalog overview