Create pre-configured portlets
When we install Content Template Catalog, the toolbar is enhanced with a new tab under "Applications" called "CTC Portlets", and new page components under the "Content" tab called "Teasers", "Lists", "Slideshows", "Carousels" and "Navigation".
The portlets under "Applications" are clones of the Web Content Viewer portlet with their configurations pre-defined to refer to content items in the CTC Content library under "Reference Content". The items under the "Content" tab are generated from the content under "Page Components" and "Teasers" in the CTC Content library. These site areas specify the keyword ibm.portal.toolbar.NewContent which causes them to be shown under the "Content" tab. See: Customize the Content palette.
The easiest way to create additional pre-configured Application or Content is to copy an existing one.
- To create a new item under the "Content" tab, see Customize the Content palette
- To create a new portlet under the "Applications" tab:
- Copy an existing page component configuration, and modify it accordingly.
- Copy an existing pre-configured portlet, and re-configure it to point to our own page component configuration item. The portlet should now appear in the palette, and is ready to be dropped onto pages.
A portlet parameter called “ctc.palette" determines which portlets appear in the CTC palette tabs. If this parameter exists, the portlet will appear in the “All CTC Portlets" palette.