Landing Content Page Template (Content Template Catalog)
Use this page template to create a landing page for a section of a website. It displays navigation for all the child pages of the landing page as well as the latest content.
When added to a site, this page is associated with this site area: Your Library/Your Site Path/Your Page Name This page includes the following portlets:
- A Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) portlet configured to display this content item: Your Library/Your Site Path/Your Page Name/Components/Promotions Slideshow. This displays slideshow of content we want to promote to the viewers.
- Content for the slideshow is retrieved using this component: CTC Design/List Components/All Items by Order
- This list is pre-configured with a context override of: Your Library/Your Site Path/Your Page Name/Promotions
- The content displayed in the slideshow is formatted using this list presentation: CTC Design/List Presentation Components/Large Captions Slideshow List Design for Promotions
- The CSS class of promoSlideshow caption full is applied to the container DIV.
- A Dynamic Body portlet. The context for this portlet is inherited from the parent page. This displays a heading and body field for the page.
- An Events Upcoming Featured portlet configured to display this content item: Your Library/Your Site Path/Your Page Name/Components/Promotions Features. This displays a feature content item.
- Content for the list is retrieved using this component: CTC Design/List Components/All Items by Order
- This list is pre-configured with a context override of: Your Library/Your Site Path/Your Page Name/Features
- The content displayed in the list is formatted using this list presentation: CTC Design/List Presentation Components/Promotions list with side-by-side image and body
- The CSS class of contentFeature is applied to the container DIV.
- A General Latest portlet configured to display this content item: Your Library/Your Site Path/Your Page Name/Components/Automatic Landing Navigation. This displays navigation for this section of the website.
- Content for the list is retrieved using this component: CTC Design/List Components/Automatic landing navigation list with content
- The content displayed in the list is formatted using this list presentation: CTC Design / List Presentation Components / Automatic Landing Navigation List Design with Content
- The CSS class of contentFeature is applied to the container DIV.
Parent topic: Page Templates