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Create a deployment manager profile

When we set up a cluster, create a deployment manager profile. We can use the Configuration Wizard to set up the profile.

Configuration Wizard

The Create a dmgr Profile is a sub step in the Set Up a Cluster configuration.

Create a deployment manager profile

We can create the new deployment manager profile on the same server as portal or on a remote server.

If the deployment manager is on a different server than the portal, the create deployment manager profile process has one manual step. Based on the information that you provide in the wizard, the wizard creates custom instructions for the manual step.

Each potential step in the configuration is included.

  1. Manual Step: Install the deployment manager software.

      Condition Remote server deployment manager
      ConfigEngine task None

  2. Create the deployment manager profile.

      Condition None
      ConfigEngine task None

  3. Start the deployment manager server.

      Condition None
      ConfigEngine task None

  4. Augment the deployment manager profile with the portal profile template .

      Condition None
      ConfigEngine task None

  5. Stop the deployment manager.

      Condition None
      ConfigEngine task None

  6. Start the deployment manager after the profile augmentation is complete.

      Condition None
      ConfigEngine task None