People Finder attribute mapping
The collaboration integration relies on a predefined set of Virtual Member Manager user and group attributes to function properly, while the LDAP server may use a different set of predefined user and group attributes. If a portal attribute is available under a different name on the LDAP server, we can map the portal attribute to the corresponding LDAP attribute. To use an attribute as search attribute or to see its value in the search result, we must to map the attribute. Portal attributes that do not correspond to an LDAP attribute should be flagged as unsupported. The collaboration products use these attributes:
- displayName
- ibm-primaryEmail
- givenName
- dn
- cn
- sn
- uid
Mapping the following attributes ensures that users see the appropriate values when People Finder displays an individual's User Profile, or when they search by attribute (for example, to find all users who have the same preferred language or whose telephone number starts with the same area code).
# name of the portal attribute federated.ldap.attributes.mapping.portalName=ibm-primaryEmail,ibm-jobTitle, stateOrProvinceName,countryName,localityName,street,employeeNumber,roomNumber, preferredLanguage,labeledURI,ibm-personalTitle # name of the LDAP attribute federated.ldap.attributes.mapping.ldapName=mail,title,st,c,l,OfficeStreetAddress, EmployeeID,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,preferredLanguage,url, personalTitleSee Add more attributes to VMM.
Parent People FinderRelated tasks:
Edit the file
Add more attributes to VMM