Use handlers for WSRP web services
We can extend the producer or consumer portal by handlers that comply with JAX-WS.
The WSRP web services conform to the JAX-WS standard. To create and process custom extensions of WSRP messages, we can create and deploy JAX-WS compliant handlers for the WSRP web services.
By default, the producer and consumer do not use any handler.
Migration note: Up to WebSphere Portal v8.0, WSRP was based on the JAX-RPC standard. If you upgrade the WebSphere Portal from v8.0 to v8.5, we must reimplement the existing JAX-RPC compliant handlers to comply with JAX-WS. Before we can use a custom handler, we must first create a handler implementation according to the JAX-WS specification. For details about the handler framework, read the JAX-WS specification. For information about how to use handlers with JAX-WS web services, read the appropriate information in the WebSphere Application Server documentation.
Parent topic: WSRP services
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