How to access the Producer WSDL
Provide the URL to the Producer WSDL service description document to the Consumer portal...
The WSDL file contains endpoint addresses that point to WSRP 2.0 services.
The URL format of the service endpoint addresses...
...where wsrp_context_root points to the producer facade servlet, which controls access to the WSRP web service engine. The facade servlet is provided within wps.ear, in the web module wps_facade.war. We can change the context root for the producer with the modify-servlet-path configuration task.
We can override various settings by specifying parameters in the URL for the WSDL service description document:
- WSRP version: WSRP v1.0, WSRP v2.0, or both
- Host name for the endpoint addresses
- Transfer protocol: HTTP, HTTPS, or both
- Port number for http URLs
- Port number for https URLs.
To generate the WSDL service description document, the Producer portal uses the following parameters:
- Parameters from the URL of the request for the document
- Settings in the portal Configuration Service
- Settings that result from the request for the document.
The portal provides a fallback mechanism for selecting the parameters from the WSDL service description document, depending on which parameters we specify:
- If the administrator of the Consumer portal adds parameters as URL parameters to the URL for requesting the service description document, then the Producer portal uses these parameters. For example, it can use the parameters for creating the endpoint addresses of the WSRP web services contained in the WSDL document.
- If we do not define such a parameter as a URL parameter in the service description document request, then the Producer looks for entries in the Portal Configuration Service.
- If we do not specify the parameter in the Configuration Service, then the Producer uses the host name and port of the incoming request to generate the endpoint addresses of the WSRP web services contained in the WSDL document.
Request a modified WSDL service description document from the Producer
The administrator of the Consumer portal can request a modified WSDL service description document from the Producer. In this document, the Producer modifies the endpoint addresses of the WSRP web services according to URL parameters that the Consumer provided.
URL Values Results in WSDL file protocol http WSRP endpoint addresses with HTTP protocol https WSRP endpoint addresses with HTTPs protocol mixed WSRP endpoint addresses with HTTP and with HTTPs protocol version v1 WSRP services for WSRP v1.0 v2 WSRP services for WSRP v2.0 port Integer, for example 80 Port number for HTTP endpoint addresses portSecure Integer, for example 443 Port number for HTTPs endpoint addresses hostname Name of the host, for example localhost Host name used for endpoint addresses The URL parameters do not modify the Producer settings and bindings. They manipulate only the content of the WSDL service description document, for example, for debugging and tracing purposes.
Settings in the portal Config Service
To control the default output for the WSDL document, set the following parameters in the portal configuration service:
- wsrp.hostname = localhost
- Specify a host name for the endpoint addresses in the WSRP service WSDL document of the Producer.
- wsrp.port.http = 80
- Specify the HTTP port used for the endpoint addresses in the WSRP service WSDL document of the Producer.
- wsrp.port.https = 443
- Specify the HTTPS port used for the endpoint addresses in the WSRP service WSDL document of the Producer.
Parent topic: Use the portal as a producerNext topic: Secure a producer portal
Related tasks:
Change the portal URI after an installation