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Extend tagging and rating

Developers can enhance and extend the tagging and rating features of the portal. For this purpose the portal tagging and rating feature provides service APIs used to enhance tagging and rating by the requirements. The portal provides a Java Model API and a RESTful API that relates to tagging and rating. We can also extend the included Dojo widget user interface. For example, we can enhance portal tagging and rating in the following ways:

  • We can create additional queries about different aspects of the tagging and rating behavior of the portal users.

  • We can build additional user interfaces to show the statistics about the tagging and rating behavior of the portal users.

  • We can implement additional functionality by exploiting the tags via the access to shared render parameters. Thereby portlets on a page can react to what is currently happening in the tag widget.

  • The Java API
    The Java API the portal provides for tagging and rating follows the pattern of the portal controller SPI. See the section about the portal controller API.

  • The REST API
    The REST API provides various possibilities to work with tagging and rating.

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