Properties for the rating widget
View the properties for the rating widget.
The parameters listed here are specific to the inline rating widget that was introduced with IBM WebSphere Portal v8.5. For information about the earlier widgets and their parameters, read the appropriate topics in the WebSphere Portal v8.0 product documentation.
- Specify a non-localized custom label to describe the displayed ratings. This property has no default.
- = (5)
- Number of stars or asterisks of which a rating consists. Set a positive numeric value. The default value is 5. Do not specify a value larger than the value specified for the property in the WP CP configuration service for tagging and rating. For more information about this property, read General properties for tagging and rating.
- = (false)
- Enable private rating. To enable private rating, set this parameter to true. Default is false.
- Scope of ratings to show in this inline widget. Specify one of the following values:
If we do not specify a value, the property defaults to COMMUNITY_PERSONAL_PUBLIC.
- Rating description to show in this rating widget. By default, this property is not part of the rating widget. If we add this property to the rating widget, the default value is ALL. Specify one of the following values:
- With this value, the rating description includes only the numerical rating value.
- With this value, the rating description includes only the total number of ratings assigned.
- With this value, the rating description includes both the numerical rating value and the total number of ratings. Default value if you add the property to the rating widget.
- If we do not specify a value, the rating description is not displayed at all.
Parent CP Configuration Service for tagging and ratingRelated concepts:
The rating widgetRelated reference:
General properties for tagging and rating
Rating widget parameter reference
Related information
IBM WebSphere Portal V 8 Product Documentation