Configure a remote search service
Select the Portal search service to manage search collections containing portal pages, WCM content items managed by Web Content Management, or indexed Web pages. For clusters, set up a remote search service. Note that it is a myth that, when setting up remote search, we must have a shared drive accessible by all portal nodes. There is no need for a shared drive; the collection directory is physically located on the remote server, and any search requests are delegated to the SOAP/EJB calls accessing the remote collection and sending back the results.
In a clustered environment, complete these steps on the primary node.
- Log in to the portal as an administrator and go to...
Administration | Search Administration | Manage Search | Search Services | New Search Service
- For service name, set...
Remote PSE service EJB
- For the Search service implementation select...
Portal Search Service Type
- Set PSE_Type = ejb.
- Set IIOP_URL = iiop://
...where is the name of the remote search server, and port is the port number obtained in the step to determine the port for EJB.
For example...
- Set parameter EJB to...
For default JNDI name, if we modified the EJB parameter to a JNDI name of our own choice, use that name instead.
- Set DefaultCollectionsDirectory to the directory where the search collections are created on the server hosting the remote search service. This parameter does not have a default value.
- Add the parameter CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH to the portal search service.
This is directory where configuration data for search collections is stored on the server hostng the remote search service. The default is...
- Click OK to save the new search service.
The Manage Search portlet now lists the new search service in the list of search services. A green check in the status column indicates the new search service is working correctly. If the search service is not working properly, it has a red cross, and a message is displayed. Click the View details link of the message for more information about the problem and how to resolve it.
- Restart all servers in the configuration for the changes to take effect.
What to do next
Review Search service configuration parameters.
Parent Remote search serviceRelated tasks:
Prepare for remote search service
Search service configuration parameters