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Export and import static pages

We can work with static portal pages using xmlaccess.sh.

Export a static content page

Exporting a static page using xmlaccess.sh works like exporting any other portal page. For details about how to do this refer to the topics about xmlaccess.sh.

Import a static content page

We can import a static content page into the portal using one of the following three methods:

  • Specify the static content page in binary content format

  • Have the static content page in a archive or compressed file, and reference that file from the XML import script

  • Create the content page from a layout template that is installed in the portal.

Parent Including static content pages in the portal

Related tasks:

Export pages or page hierarchies using the Manage Pages portlet
Import pages or page hierarchies using the XML Import portlet
Import static page content from archive or compressed files
Work with xmlaccess.sh

Related: Portal v8.0:
Create static content for the portal