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Configure the rule-based group VMM repository and realm

Run the wp-create-cur, wp-create-cur-custom-property, and wp-update-group-repository-relationship commands to configure the VMM repository and realm.

  1. Add the repository configuration to VMM.

      cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine
      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-create-cur \
                        -DWasPassword=yourpassword \
                        -Dfederated.cur.id=SoftGroups \
                        -Dfederated.cur.adapterClassName=com.ibm.wps.vmm.adapter.softgroups.SoftgroupsAdapter \

  2. Update the repository configuration with custom properties...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-create-cur-custom-property \
                        -DWasPassword=yourpassword \
                        -Dcur.id=SoftGroups \
                        -Dcur.name=dataSource \
      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-create-cur-custom-property \
                        -DWasPassword=yourpassword \
                        -Dcur.id=SoftGroups \
                        -Dcur.name=dbSchema \
      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-create-cur-custom-property \
                        -DWasPassword=yourpassword \
                        -Dcur.id=SoftGroups \
                        -Dcur.name=dbType \


      dataSource Points to JNDI name of the previously configured data source for the rule-based groups database.
      dbSchema Database schema holding rule-based groups table.
      dbType If type is SQLServer, specify "SQLServer" as the value. For all other database server types, we can omit the value.
      Base entry specification Set distinguished name and suffix for rule based groups to a different value.
      name The name and the nameInRepository must be the same.

  3. Enable the cross repository group lookup for the repositories to use.

    To find Groups Entities in the SoftGroups Repository...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-update-group-repository-relationship \
                        -DWasPassword=foo \
                        -Drepository.id=ldapid \
                        -Drepository.forgroups=SoftGroups \

Parent Configure the VMM rule-based groups repository

Related information

Database source configuration
Configure a federated custom user registry