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Develop a custom portlet

Use the default Impersonation portlet to impersonate specific users. Alternatively, we can create a resource environment provider to enable impersonation and develop a custom portlet for impersonating users.

Sample code

If we do not want to use the WebSphere Portal Impersonation portlet, use the following sample to develop a portlet to impersonate users:

import com.ibm.portal.portlet.service.impersonation.ImpersonationService;
import com.ibm.portal.portlet.service.PortletServiceHome;
 public class MyImpersonationPortlet extends GenericPortlet
    private PortletServiceHome psh;
    public void init() throws PortletException
            javax.naming.Context ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
            psh = (PortletServiceHome) ctx.lookup(ImpersonationService.
        } catch (Exception ex)
            // error handling         }
    public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException     {
        // obtain the service object and use the service         
        ImpersonationService impersonationService = (ImpersonationService) psh.getPortletService(ImpersonationService.class);
            impersonationService.doImpersonate(request, response, stringuserDN);
        } catch (Exception e)
            // error handling         

We can enter the information for the user to impersonate in the stringuserDN. Alternatively, use the PUMA SPI User object.

The impersonation feature becomes active with the next request.

Parent Administer user impersonation