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Generate a complete xmlaccess export of a portal configuration

    cd WP_Profile_root/PortalServer/bin
    xmlaccess -user Portal_admin_user \
             -password Portal_admin_password \
             -url http://myhost:port/wps/config \
             -in PORTAL_HOME/doc/xml \
             -samples/Export.xml \
             -out result.xml

IBM recommends using the direct URL and port so the request can bypass any webserver or load balancer that might be present. The file name specified after the -out parameter contains the Portal configuration as XML. The output file can have any name.

If we receive an error that any one of the variables JAVA, WPS_HOME or WAS_HOME are not defined run the script...


We might also start xmlaccess without any parameters on the command line to test it in the environment.

The file Export.xml is used as the input file in these examples to generate an export for diagnostic purposes. However, when Portal artifacts are to be imported to or updated in a Portal configuration, or for use by ReleaseBuilder the export file is generated using ExportRelease.xml as the input file rather than Export.xml. If Export.xml is missing from the installation, contact IBM Support or take a copy from another Portal host.

Virtual Portals

xmlaccess exports the base or default Portal for the specified host using the /config URI. If virtual portals are defined, each must be exported separately. The virtual portal URL mapping context must be specified in the URL. For example, given a Portal 7.0 virtual portal VP1 an example xmlaccess command to export the content of VP1 is:

    xmlaccess -user Portal_admin_user -password Portal_admin_password -url http;//host.raleigh.ibm.com:10039/wps0config/VP1 -in Export.xml -out result_VP1.xml

If the virtual portal is defined using an optional host name, specify the host name and /config URI to export the virtual portal content:

    xmlaccess -user Portal_admin_user -password Portal_admin_password -url http://MyVirtualPortalHost.com:10039/wps/config -in Export.xml -out result_MyHost.xml

Parent Work with xmlaccess.sh