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Configure security between WebSphere Portal and remote search server

  1. For EJB, complete the following security administration tasks on the remote search server:

    SOAP support for remote search services was deprecated with WebSphere Portal v8.0.

    1. Prepare security for remote search service in a single-signon domain (SSO).

    2. Add the signer certification of the remote search service server into the portal server. To do this addition...

      1. Access the WAS console of the portal server.

      2. Click...

          Security | SSL certificate and key management | Key stores and certificates | NodeDefaultTrustStore | Signer certificates | Retrieve from port

        In a clustered environment, the path is Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates > CellDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates > Retrieve from port.

      3. Enter the remote search service server host, its SOAP port, and an alias.

      4. Click Retrieve Signer Information.

      5. Click OK.

  2. In the portal server enable CSIv2 identity assertion. To complete this step:

    In a clustered environment, complete these steps on the dmgr console.

    1. On the portal server, Enable CSIv2 Identity Assertion on the outbound connection:

      1. Access the WAS console of the portal server.

      2. Navigate to Security > Global Security > RMI/IIOP security > CSIv2 outbound communications.

      3. Check Use identity assertion.

      4. When we are done, restart the portal server.

Parent Remote search service