Configure security between WebSphere Portal and remote search server
- For EJB, complete the following security administration tasks on the remote search server:
SOAP support for remote search services was deprecated with WebSphere Portal v8.0.
- Prepare security for remote search service in a single-signon domain (SSO).
- Add the signer certification of the remote search service server into the portal server. To do this addition...
- Access the WAS console of the portal server.
- Click...
Security | SSL certificate and key management | Key stores and certificates | NodeDefaultTrustStore | Signer certificates | Retrieve from port
In a clustered environment, the path is Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates > CellDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates > Retrieve from port.
- Enter the remote search service server host, its SOAP port, and an alias.
- Click Retrieve Signer Information.
- Click OK.
- In the portal server enable CSIv2 identity assertion. To complete this step:
In a clustered environment, complete these steps on the dmgr console.
- On the portal server, Enable CSIv2 Identity Assertion on the outbound connection:
- Access the WAS console of the portal server.
- Navigate to Security > Global Security > RMI/IIOP security > CSIv2 outbound communications.
- Check Use identity assertion.
- When we are done, restart the portal server.
Parent Remote search service