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Remove users and groups


Example cases for removing users or groups are:

  • Portal users or groups have been removed from the user registry, but not from the portal database.
  • Deactivated User IDs, for example after too many wrong password attempts.

After deleting these entries via the modified XML script, all customization is lost for the deleted users and groups.

Remove users and groups from the portal

  1. Make a backup copy of the portal database.

  2. To identify and list these users and groups, run an XML export specifying the cleanup-users attribute with the request tags of type export=true and export-users=true.

    The resulting output file lists the affected users and groups with their action set to delete.

    The XML sample file CleanupUsers.xml shows an example of how we can export such users and groups.

  3. Check the output file from the previous step and remove all users and groups that to keep in the portal. For example, we might want to keep the muted users and re-enable their passwords.

  4. Import the modified XML file into the portal. The portal removes all users and groups that we retained in the XML file during the previous step.

Parent Use the XML configuration command line client

Related tasks:

Deregister users and groups