Skill requirements
In assembling the project team, you should consider the skills you need to implement IBM WebSphere Portal. This article discusses the recommended skill set necessary to support basic and production configurations.Documentation to support the z/OS skills described in this article can be found at the following website: z/OS Internet Library
For basic configurations:
Below are the recommended skills necessary to support a basic configuration:
- UNIX System Services, hierarchical file systems (HFS) and zSeries File System (ZFS) - to set up a functional HFS, ZFS and UNIX environment
- eNetwork Communications Server (TCP/IP) or equivalent - to configure connectivity for WebSphere Portal clients and servers
- Resource recovery services (RRS) - to implement resource recovery services and to support two-phase commit transactions
- Security Server (RACF ), or the security product we use - to authenticate WebSphere Portal clients and servers, and authorize access to resources
- SSL - to enable security if required (recommended)
- Installation Manager, SMP/E, and JCL
- System logger - to set up log streams for RRS and the WebSphere Portal error log
- Web server - to support HTTP clients if desired
- Workload management (WLM)
- Java and WebSphere Portal tooling - to support application development and deployment
- Ability to navigate on a 3270 Terminal emulator using MVS
- Familiarity with TSO/E OMVS to access the z/OS shell
Depending on the needs of the applications you deploy, we might also need skills to configure the resource managers the applications require, such skills might include CICS , DB2 , IMS™, and MQ.
For production environments:
As you move your system toward a production environment, have the following system skills available:
- Automatic restart management (ARM)
- System Automation, if you have it installed, or whichever automation you prefer to use
- Sysplex if you plan to use WebSphere Portal in a cell that spans systems
- Sysplex Distributor (part of eNetwork Communications Server), if you plan to create a high availability environment
- RMF™ or other performance measurement systems
Parent: Install and configuring the WebSphere Portal environment on z/OS