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Road map for installing on z/OS

This article describes the process of installing and configuring IBM WebSphere Portal.

This article introduces the context of installing and customizing WebSphere Portal, including the tasks perform before and after installing.

To create a complete and customized application serving environment, you need to install the product code, prepare the z/OS operating system and subsystems, run the Customization Dialog, follow the customized instructions and run the generated jobs, and bring up the servers.

Complete the following tasks to create a running version of the product on the machine:

  1. Plan the product code installation.

    • Order or acquire the IBM WAS and WebSphere Portal products.

    • Review the system requirements and prepare for the WAS and WebSphere Portal installation.

    • Use SMP/e to install the Installation Manager.

    • Use SMP/e to install the WAS and WebSphere Portal product repositories.

  2. Prepare the z/OS operating system.

    • Prepare the RACF security settings.

    • Other business specific preparations.

  3. Install the WAS and WebSphere Portal product files.

    • Use the Installation Manager to install the WAS product code into the /usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V8R0 directory and the WebSphere Portal code into the /usr/lpp/zPortalServer/V8R0 directory.

    • Customize and run the JCL provided for installation with each product repository.

    • Complete the installation of both sets of product files if creating a standalone profile.

    • We can delay the installation of the WebSphere Portal product files until after step 4 if installing into a managed profile.

  4. Choose the topology and plan its initial characteristics before configuring WebSphere Portal.

    • Base or Full installation

    • Standalone environment

    • Managed, non-clustered environment

    • Managed, clustered environment

  5. Configure WebSphere Portal.

  6. To create additional environments, repeat these steps.

  7. Tune for performance.

You are ready to deploy and run applications with WebSphere Portal.

Parent: Install and configuring the WebSphere Portal environment on z/OS