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Secure WSRP by WS-Security for a Producer portal

As a Producer, we can ensure security for the WSRP services that you provide by configuring the Producer portal for WS-Security token authentication.

With the portal we can use all security tokens that IBM WebSphere Application Server supports. For most tokens the Consumer and Producer portals need to share the same user registry, for example, LTPA.

For more general and detailed information about how to configure WS-Security refer to the WAS information center, especially under the Related section.

  1. Export the portal EAR file
    When you configure WSRP security by WS-Security token authentication, you start by exporting the portal EAR file so that we can later make the modifications required for WS-Security token authentication.
  2. Import the portal EAR file into an assembly tool
    Importing the portal EAR file into an assembly tool lets you modify and configure the application for WSRP security with LTPA authentication at a later time.
  3. Configure the Producer portal for WS-Security authentication
    After you have exported the portal EAR file and imported it into the assembly tool, we can now make the modifications required to configure the Producer portal for Web services security (WS-Security) authentication.
  4. Export the modified portal EAR file from the assembly tool
    After you have made the modifications for security by WS-Security token authentication, you export the portal EAR file from the assembly tool so that we can redeploy it.
  5. Redeploying the portal EAR file
    After modifying the portal EAR file for WS-Security token authentication and exported it from the assembly tool, we can now redeploy the file.

To configure WS-Security token authentication for your Producer portal, proceed by the tasks listed in the following. After completing all tasks, make sure that you restart the portal. In a cluster configuration, restart the portal on each node.

Parent: Prepare security for a WSRP Producer portal

Development and assembly tools

Configure Web services security using JAX-RPC at the platform level

For z/OS: Development and assembly tools

For z/OS: Configure Web services security using JAX-RPC at the platform level