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Create the client security binding and extension files using an assembly tool

We can create the files required for a WSRP security profile in the assembly tool by configuring the security options for Web applications that define a Web service client.

The portal provides several variants of a dummy Web application that we can import into the assembly tool to easily perform the configuration. To get the available dummy Web applications:

  1. Run the following command, and pass in the path of the directory where to copy the sample files as the value for the Destination parameter:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh copy-samples -DWasPassword=foo–DCategoriesList=wp.wsrp.consumer –DDestination=directory in the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine
    • IBM i: ConfigEngine copy-samples -DWasPassword=foo–DCategoriesList=wp.wsrp.consumer –DDestination=directory in the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine –DDestination=directory in the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine copy-samples -DWasPassword=foo–DCategoriesList=wp.wsrp.consumer –DDestination=directory in the WP_PROFILE\ConfigEngine

  2. Choose the appropriate WAR file from the following list, and import it as a Web application project to the assembly tool:

    • DummyWebAppEmpty.war: This file contains no security configuration. Use it to create a completely new security configuration.

    • DummyWebAppLTPA.war: LTPA token forwarding configuration as in the default security profile.

    • DummyWebAppUsername.war: Username token forwarding configuration as in the default security profile.

    • DummyWebAppSignedUsername.war: Signed Username token forwarding configuration as in the default security profile.

    For details about the last three files listed, refer to the section about Configuring WS-Security for communication with a particular Producer.

To configure Web services security, launch the wizard for the Web implementation descriptor web.xml, and make the appropriate settings in the WS-Extension and WS-Binding sections. For more information about how to configure Web services security refer to the WebSphere Application Server information center, especially under the Related section.

When saving the configuration, the settings are written to the files ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi and ibm-webservicesclient-ext.xmi in the same project as required. If you did not use the dummy Web application for the configuration, verify the files contain the settings for only one port Qname binding. Copy the two files to a file system folder with the name of the security profile. For some operating systems, it can be necessary to avoid special characters or blanks in the folder name.

Parent: Create and deploy custom WS-Security profiles
Next: Change the the WSRP WS-Security profiles

Configure the server security bindings using an assembly tool

Configure the client security bindings using an assembly tool